If you’ve opened this message, thank you. Allow me to s’plain… Real quick… Generally, 50% of life, life events, relationships, careers, anything can be considered at about 50% positive, 50% of the time. This can include big, high feelings of joy, exhilaration, delight, amazed, and can also include amused, content, calm, peace. What’s left? The other 50%. Uh oh. No funs. They can be the low-lows such as devastation, sorrow, fury, bitterness, or how about boiling resentment… and they can also include annoyed, irritated, sometimes bored, or mildly disappointed. You now know this. Ta-DA! Now that you know that life is 50/50, you can better expect it. What we can also dig further into is… how it’s possible to better manage thoughts and feelings… proactively. If you’ve been with me for a bit, you already know I’m talking about thoughts and feelings, every Facebook visit, each weekly email visit like this one, and every podcast episode too. I wish someone had shared this with me when I was about 6. At that time, the going line was “Life isn’t fair.” But I didn’t know what to do with that other than sulk, pout, and then suck it up… I didn’t have much to work with at 6, but now that I know it at 53, I understand way more about choices and feelings. And I know that our brains are also structured, wired, and groooooved with neural pathways that are constantly seeking threats and danger. This is why healing our hearts is such work. We have the healthy human brains that we have.
For this week, try to notice how life is 50/50… you might be amazed at what comes forward. Comments are closed.