We are more familiar with loss than we think we are. Especially since the pandemic broke last year. There are more than 40 loss events that may be experienced over the course of a life. Did you know this? It's kind of mind-blowing. In our society, we have a better understanding of how to go after a gain and what to do with a "win", than we are with what to do with a loss... or with feelings of grief, for that matter. Often we don't know how to "be" with our own feelings of loss... or others's feelings of loss when something devastating, tragic, or even disappointing happens. There are tools, there is a method The truth is, we aren't taught or given the direction, tools, or even the emotionally helpful communications to help us navigate losses... or be there with real emotional support for others either. The right tools and education just haven't been that widely available over the last 4 decades... but there are effective, evidence-based, repeatable tools to learn. I've learned the tools myself, and have been trained to share them with others. That's all that I've been doing since May of 2020. When you look at the list of losses... Please bear in mind, not everyone may experience all the kinds of losses in the following list. (This is definitely not a Bingo Card...) Browse this list to help you identify and clarify specific losses and how they may have affected you in your life, including in your relationships. While you scan the list, remember that feelings of grief are normal and natural when we experience losses of every kind. Also, conflicting feelings may arise when familiar patterns or behaviors end or change. Take a look... what have you experienced in your life so far?
This list shares very nearly 50 loss events that can happen in a life. The feelings of grief and loss may include myriad other feelings and symptoms as you navigate and process the loss/es. The Grief Recovery Method (which I teach) may be applied to all of the above loss events in order to move beyond the pain, loneliness, and isolation that arise when a loss (or losses) occur. Schedule your Connection Call with me today. Comments are closed.