Another Event for you? YESSSSS… we’re talking Summer Solstice! Collaboration & co-creation bear the gifts of energy, momentum, & ideation! I met my co-creator of this Solstice Shift event just almost a year ago… she is a phenomenal woman, business coach, and has THE HUGEST HEART… her name is Sarah Stokes. And we knew we wanted to do something special together… we had no idea HOW special… until now. What’s the plan? On the day of Summer Solstice… we meet. Either: IRL… if you’re local to Wisconsin & Sarah, or Virtually… on Zoom. Consider it a kind of Seasonal Reset, if you will… Included will be: A Grief Shifting Session with me… it TOTALLY WORKS VIRTUALLY… it’s a Reiki Energy shift designed expressly for movement of stuck feelings whether it’s grief, loss, heartbreak, resentment, bitterness, frustration, annoyance, fury… or some other unpleasant feelings. Create & Live From Your Compassion Plan Session with Sarah… whaaaat?!?!? Yes, especially for women business owners & entrepreneurs… This is a very special, incredibly powerful offer from Sarah and I cannot wait for you to benefit from her incredible gifts and wisdom. A Full-On Sound Bath Experience with Rachelle: Sound baths work beautifully on Zoom, btw… please do plan and have headphones for best results & enjoyment. Rachelle is located in Wisconsin and is an integral part of Sarah’s service lineups. You need to know right here, right now… YOU are invited and wanted inside of this group & hybrid experience. Save the date, friends… details are forthcomin’ with so much love. For Now: Save June 21 for yourself and us… Most of the business day… YES. You deserve this time and space to reset with phenomenal energy, other women on the day a season changes. It’s so beautiful. You’ve got plans for Summer Solstice, my friend! Registration is now open! PS: Be on the lookout for more Season-Changing Quarterly Events like this one too!! We’re in the final few days of April, already… and my focus is shifting toward May. It’s Mental Health Awareness Month and I’ve got a couple of digital events to share with you. Links are here, please register for what sounds fantastic, useful, or supportive. Also, if you have loved ones who could benefit, feel free to forward this whole dang message on to them as well. Okay, here are the 2 events you are wholeheartedly invited to: 1. How to Feel a Feeling Training: Let’s Go Again! May 4th at 4pm Pacific on Zoom A recording was totally promised on the last training… AND I forgot to hit “record” - dangit!!! So, let’s go again! BTW, in the April training we practiced a few specific feelings… We will be practicing totally different ones in May… so if you were there in April, there will be new material to work with. Come on in again! Register today. It’s free, on Zoom, and it’ll be another way to increase/improve emotional intelligence too. 2. Announcing the Shadow Side Leadership Summit: Embrace Your Shadow to Strengthen Your Light This is a totally digital event. And free. Taking place May 19-21 from Noon -3pm Pacific each day. This is a brand new event that I get to participate in with several stunning coaches in our world! It’s truly exciting and I hope you’ll give yourself a moment or two to scan the offerings and topics and see if any appeal to you. I’ll be teaching a new workshop… It's not new material to me, but it’s a new presentation. Usually I reserve this for 1x1 clients, but I’ve made it available to learn in a workshop, so that’s what we’ll be doing in this Summit. What is it? Oh, Friends… I’m so glad you asked… It’s the simple & straightforward art of Resentment Melting If you are someone who experiences resentment as an almost poisonous, seething, feeling, you’re not alone. I’ve personally spent a lot of time in resentment… I did learn a lot in 12-step rooms about resentment, but this is different… I still needed different and more care around this habitual, energy-stealing feeling. I found myself in resentment sometimes because I wanted to, but mostly because I didn’t realize I was doing it or didn’t know how to get out of it. I needed something different, and more support… so I created a new tool/protocol. Hence, Resentment Melting. I’d love to have you in the Summit to learn this for your whole dear self. While this Summit is aimed to serve business owners, there’s lots to choose from that can be helpful, useful, and applicable to those employed, retired, or just looking to learn more about shadow work or personal development. Register for the whole event today. What else? I do still have space in my schedule for 1x1 Clients. I work with eight (8) 1x1 clients at a time and there is plenty of room, time, and care for you to enjoy premium, professional support through loss. Schedule a Connection Call and let’s talk about it. When a big feeling comes on, grief or something else, it can take a little bit of time for some of us (me included) to tune in and know what it even IS that we’re feeling. It’s another process entirely to be able to explain or articulate it. Blow it out I’d like to offer a big ol’ exhale on the notion that it’s somehow urgent to know exactly how you feel and be able to communicate your feelings at any given moment. Not everyone does. Even & especially during painful seasons. Getting and staying quiet and allowing for time, space, and feelings in that calm is a J.O.B…. and I’d also offer it is an act of radical self care. They don’t know Well-meaning people may be interested and may ask about how you’re doing today, or this week. And, as kind-hearted as they are intending, inquiries can feel badger-y and insistent, and then tiresome. I’m here to share that they don’t know, and can’t possibly know what you’re going through. Some may be able to better empathize than others. And… You don’t always have to know. I don’t. And you don’t always have to share either. I definitely don’t. If you don’t have the words, or you don’t know how you feel in one specific moment… this is 100% natural and human. It could be that you’re trying to know or understand… or wanting to… is enough work in itself. It’s not stupid, or defective, or anything negative. This “feelings stuff” isn’t encouraged, taught, or supported… so it’s not only possible, but it’s damn near probable that there will be some moments, especially when things are tough, when you’re just not gonna have the words. A gentle option Being with yourself to soothe, comfort, nurture, and normalize this temporary condition is a path that is open to you. After all, isn't it already hard enough? ⭐ Special Announcement⭐Heart Healing from Loss… it’s gonna be a book!
I have a book coming out October-ish of 2023! Stay tuned. And please follow my Author Page on Amazon if you haven’t already… yep, audiobook will be in production after the Kindle and paperback versions get finished & published. |