It’s more than reasonable to have so much going on in a time of change and loss. Absolutely.
AND… There are also moments to catch, savor, and breathe in. As in, you can have moments where you can deeply and calmly Breathe IN… And then exhale, of course. These aren’t unicorn moments, though many people think that they are… Nope. These aren’t rare, mythical, or even fictitious. They can be a part of the journey… when and if you choose to make them a part of your journey. It’s possible that a little part of your brain is telling you that you are trapped and going to feel incomplete or bereft indefinitely. That part of your brain may even be saying one of the F-words… Forever. And it’s definitely painful to experience this thinking, plus the emotions that stem from it. This is healthy, human brain-thinking. There’s nothing wrong with you or bad, other than what you’re already feeling is already hard, uncomfortable, and unfamiliar. Here’s the thing… your brain won’t ever run out of challenging or painful thoughts. What you can do is take a break from those thoughts and be on the lookout for other moments during a season of loss. They are there. Giving yourself a chance to look for them allows you to see, feel, and savor them. You have a say. You get to take breaks. And you are wholly capable of identifying and choosing a few feelings you’d prefer to feel, and then giving yourself a chance to genuinely feel them. Without guilt or overwhelm… and without spacklin toxic positivity over already hard feelings. This may feel confronting, the prospect of feeling something different or even something good. If you’re drawing a blank on how you’d like to feel, that's okay. Consider trying these on and seeing where they take you. Call in and activate these feelings with the words “I feel”... I feel… Calm. Grounded. Protected. Peaceful And it’s okay if you don’t FULLY, 100%, FULL BODY FEEEEEL Peaceful… Just try… for a moment… and notice…even 10% peaceful can feel better than no-percent peaceful. Comments are closed.