Everyday is different. #understatement #amiright I want you to 1. Know about and 2. Consider adopting Your own version of a Low Energy List. What is that? Essentially, it’s pre-thinking for your future self who may not have the energy, drive, or enthusiasm you do on a more-regular day. This is a helpful little list of small tasks or ideas for Future-YOU who may be sick, who’s been blindsided by lots of feelings, or who is experiencing some low-grade resistance when “nothing sounds good”. Here are a few of mine:
There’s also a For Business version of this list. Yup. And I use that one too. Feeling better can feel like its own job. Having a little list of pre-thought-out options is a gift. Plus, if you can allow yourself to look at it, and even do 1-2 things, you can create a little bit of momentum and shift some energy as well. Small things are enough on tough, sick, or low-energy days. Comments are closed.