It’s not always easy to find gratitude, so please allow me to offer one of my go-to’s for especially heavy times. Technology… but, in this context.
These are a few that allow me to remind myself of what is already working and already appreciated that is already here in my life and available to me. There are more elements about technology and emerging improvements that I appreciate, but these are enough to get started. Questions to help you remember more:
The point here is to focus on what is easy, effortless, and already working to your delight and ease. Yes, there are still plenty of problems and there is still lots of room for improvement here in this ol’ world. That’s okay. We are all works in process & progress. I prefer to work toward solutions from a sense of calm and openness. My problem solving is clearer and not based in fear or reaction. And my outcomes are better and more lasting. I’d rather respond than react… my work is better… and it doesn’t feel so hard. Take gratitude for technology for a spin yourself, lovely reader. And let me know how it goes. Did you get your free Gratitude puzzle yet? NEW BOOK RELEASE Book 5 of Self-Talk Wordsearch™ is now LIVE and available on Amazon. This is the most “manifest-y” book I’ve published so far. It works with a very subtle, but critical element in the Law of Attraction. It’s the aspect and perspective of “ already having enough” of a desired result. This is notoriously difficult for us humans. It’s the part and place where many give up on working with LOA altogether. More specific thoughts, perspectives, openings, and yes, self-talk is how we can more easily develop our skills. Including the belief of already having enough. When we decide we have enough (love, time, money, etc) -even just enough for this moment - we create capacity for more. We also allow for more to come. When we have enough, we create more than enough. This may sound odd, but still ring true. This is also the book to get and play in if you’re looking to simplify and identify more of what you already have in a gratitude practice or in a recovery program. Get your copy here: Comments are closed.